The Cattle Market Project

Nottingham’s Cattle Market Project Receives Heritage Lottery Funding

Posted On: 10 Sep 2021 by Keith Butler to The Cattle Market Project

The Cattle Market & East Croft Heritage Group CIC receives a National Lottery Heritage Fund grant of £46,000 for an exciting project which will discover, document and celebrate the rich history of the Cattle Market area of Nottingham.

Nottingham’s Cattle Market Project Receives Heritage Lottery Funding

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Recently, the Cattle Market has received a real boost in the form of a £46,000 grant from the National Heritage Lottery fund - and it's all thanks to the efforts of a local not-for-profit organisation with whom we're delighted to support here at Arthur Johnson's.

This exciting project will encompass a variety of creative and innovative formats and engage a diverse range of people. The group wants to draw links between the cattle market, which was established in 1886, and Nottingham receiving its official city status just a few years later in 1897, and therefore reinforce and celebrate the importance of the market and its impact on Nottingham.

They also plan to research the general history of this part of Nottingham which, up until now, has received very little attention.

The project will engage a variety of young people in learning about the heritage of the Cattle Market and develop creative and digital skills such as illustration, animation, social media and marketing. In addition, there will be an oral history project with illustration workshops for children, a documentary film about a week in the life of the Cattle Market, portrait photography workshops, ‘Now and Then’ photography and a celebration evening to wrap up the project.

In addition, many aspects of the project will rely on working with interns from the ‘Collaborative Futures Internship Programme’ which provides paid and flexible work experience to 18-24 year olds.

Georgianna Scurfield and Chris Weir (left) from the Cattle Market Project with Keith Butler from the auction house. 



Georgianna Scurfield, one of the key organisers of the Cattle Market Project was delighted at the news: “We’re so excited to be given the opportunity to celebrate the history of the Cattle Market and the people who make it what it is, in all the creative ways we have planned. We can’t wait to get started with uncovering the hidden history and bringing the project to life.”

Using money raised by the National Lottery, The National Lottery Heritage Fund inspire, lead and resource the UK’s heritage to create positive and lasting change for people and communities, now and in the future. Follow @HeritageFundUK on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and use #NationalLotteryHeritageFund.

Check back here for further updates soon, and please feel free to like, follow and share the group's Facebook posts: